Global Alliance Executive Boards and Council Members

Executive Board and Council Composition 1996-2002

From 1996 to October 2000, there was no formal governance structure. Organisations took turns hosting meetings - usually as part of larger conferences. In 1997 IPR (UK) hosted, in 1998 PRSA hosted, in 1999 it was IABC’s turn. Then during an IPRA world congress/PRSA international conference in 2000, Deanna Pelfrey became the de facto interim chair as she agreed to lead discussions forward with a small group of close collaborators (working group leaders) which later became recognized as the interim leadership: Deanna Pelfrey (PRSA), Catherine Bolton (PRSA), Jean Valin (CPRS), Margaret Moscardi (PRISA), Colin Farrington (IPR), John Gallagher (PRII).

Call for nominations were launched in late Spring 2002 which resulted in the election of the following officers. To allow for continuity, all were for a two year term (end date was end of calendar year at that time-now it is at the time of the AGM) with the exception of Chair and Chairelect positions which were set at one year exceptionally for this first election: