Global Alliance Covid-19 Task Force Enhanced Response Support Measures For Members & Our Profession’s Contribution

Global Alliance Covid-19 Task Force Enhanced Response Support Measures For Members & Our Profession’s Contribution

23rd March 2020

Dear Colleagues,

How so much can change in such a short space of time.

Last November when we originally announced details of the Global Alliance ‘April Education & Training Month’, little did we know the road that lay ahead. Indeed, it was as recent as the start of March that we sent a global call of support and encouragement for the professions contribution to Covid-19.

Our current world and life as we know it has changed beyond recognition with the spread of Covid-19 as the World Health Organisation (WHO), Government Health Departments and medical teams tackle this worldwide pandemic head on, caring for our loved ones and bravely fighting the battle against time to find a vaccination. 

We, as global citizens, are also the front line of defence in stopping the spread of Covid-19. Global Alliance continues to align closely with, not only the World Health Organization (WHO) but all parties in implementing their simple directives issued at We can and must all play our role in the fight against this pandemic.

Global Alliance is here to support you, our members, and unite our global profession in the fight against COVID-19

Initially, we reached out to our colleagues in China and the rest of Asia to offer our solidarity, support and friendship.  

However, given recent events, this is clearly not enough and we have now stepped up our efforts in supporting our profession on a worldwide basis during this difficult and unprecedented time. 

We know that many of our members, just like us, are operating their businesses remotely. Member organisations have been forced to cancel some or all of their services and programs. Covid-19 has led to uncertainty, reduced working hours, job losses and financial pressures in addition to everyone’s primary concern for not only their own but also their families and fellow colleagues health and welfare. 

As President of a global organization, I am aware that during these dark days and uncertain times ahead, that my role to lead our profession into the future is now more important than ever before, mindful that we represent over 280,000 professionals across 126 countries around the globe. With this in mind, I called together a Global Alliance Covid-19 Task Force who have actioned the following measures in an attempt to support members during this crisis mindful that these measures won’t solve your core issues, but we want to be simply here to assist you howsoever possible, even if simply to listen.

01. Education & Training Month April 2020 – virtual online with free access to all.

We have substantially enhanced our online Education & Training Month during April 2020, which will now feature over 20 continuous learning programmes hosted and delivered by experts from around the world.  Free access will be granted to all Global Alliance member organisations and in turn, to individual members of such organisations. Sessions will be scheduled for ease of participation across world time zones, with further details to be announced very shortly.

02. Regional Council Chair Support Network

Each Regional Council Chair representing North American, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Europe, Africa and India-Middle East are on standby and willing to support your organisation as best they can.

To share our spread of support, we would ask that you reach out directly to your relevant regional Chair, if and when the need may so arise.

Asia Pacific – Ms. Prita Kemal Gani
Latin America – Mr. Hamilton Dos Santos
Europe – Mr. José Velasco
Africa – Ms. Jane Gitau
India – Middle East – Mr. Amith Prabhu
North America – Ms. Sarah Hanel

03. Financial, Operational & Administration

Our Treasurer, Director of Finance & Funding and former CEO of Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), Mr. Joe Truncale, has offered his expertise to assist member organisations regarding any operational, financial and/or administration matters.

Mr. Joe Truncale can be contacted at

04. Financial Relief

Effective immediately Global Alliance has introduced a temporary holiday of membership dues pending for March and April to help member organisations handle any short-term cash flow difficulties which they might have encountered. To avail please contact our CAO Mateus Furlanetto at

05. Presidential Support

As President, I have made a personal commitment to support our membership and the wider global profession by devoting my efforts over the next four weeks to leading a positive communications response to deal with the Covid-19 Pandemic.

I can be contacted at and am supported by our CAO Mateus Furlanetto.

06. Practical Operational Precautionary Measures

Global Alliance had already implemented the following precautionary measures in the interest of the health and safety of our members, staff and board:

A) Our Lisbon Portugal and Jakarta Indonesia offices will remain closed until further notice. 
B) Staff and Board members will continue to work remotely.
C) A travel ban will remain in place for staff and board members.
D) Self-isolation and physical distancing is being practiced. 
E) An Executive Order has been made, waiving the requirement for board members to attend a requisite number of in-person board meetings per office term.
F) The forthcoming AGM will be virtual and we encourage one representative from each member organisation in good standing to participate by remote access or representation by Proxy. AGM documents and dial-in numbers have been circulated.

To reiterate our message of 3rd March, whether for example, working for government organisations with a public health remit or managing internal communications at workplaces, we can all play our part in ensuring that misinformation and myths about COVID-19 aren’t allowed to spread unchecked.

While this is first and foremost a public health issue with a significant economic impact, it is also an area where public relations and communications professionals are adding real value.

We can take pride in the pragmatic and measured work being done to disseminate appropriate and credible information that is helping people protect themselves and in turn, protect us all.

Let’s all come together by staying apart while practicing social distancing of a two meter physical separation.

Finally, I wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to all my fellow board members and directors without whose ongoing input, contribution and support (all of which is provided on a wholly voluntary basis), none of the above support measures would be possible.

Thank you for your continued support and leadership – please, please stay safe,

Justin Green
President, Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management