The Beauty of Diversity is Unmatched

The Beauty of Diversity is Unmatched


As I watched this nature documentary on National Geographic Channel last evening, my eyes could not depart the screen. I was glued to the set, literarily.

Sample this beauty!

…Dolphins sprouting and leaping from the depth of the ocean water;

…The giraffe reaching the top soft leaves of this tall acacia tree with Kilimanjaro in the background;

…The kangaroo jumping several meters effortlessly with a baby well secured in its porch;

…then the peacock doing what it does best to display that elegancy of feathers.

And many other nature elegancies coming one after the other! What else can we ask from diversity.

It was visionary to have Global Alliance to designate a month in our calendar of activities to celebrate diversity. Therefore, as we navigate though the diversity, inclusion and equality month this June, can only be fully encouraged and motivated by the beauty that diversity bestows on us as PR and communication professionals.

Let me put it in perspective. More than 300,000 of us spread in all the continents of the globe are constantly thinking and moving our dear profession forward. We remain bound together by the desire to advance our profession to deliver more to those whom we serve. And that is the epitome of diversity and inclusion…professionals spread all over the world moving together as a team, yet spread from pole to pole of the planet earth.

Not long ago, here in Africa we had the continent-wide Africa PR Association (APRA) Annual Conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We came from all over the continent. In one of the days of this conference, there was an evening reception whose dress code was country dress. At the end of the article, I will let you sample the magnificent display presented by this dress code. Apparently, the show-stopper of the evening was none other than the Global Alliance President, Mr. Justin Green who turned up in a full Maasai Regalia (where he got it, I have no idea). But what a night of diversity it was!

I am aware that Global Alliance is working towards bringing back the World PR Forum…physically now that we can travel. If country dress was picked as the code for the forum, for sure we will create a perfect beauty parallel to the peacock and one that will match the splendor of a butterfly.

Diversity and inclusion are what Global Alliance is about!

That is what we are celebrating this month!

That is indeed the very core of our profession.

I encourage all of us to participate fully in the diversity, inclusion and equality activities that are lined up in this month of June. In the meantime, I promised a sample of those images of the APRA evening when country dresses were on display. Here you are. Enjoy


Peter Mutie, FPRSK, FAPRA, Global Alliance Board Member and Africa Regional Council Chair.


Any thoughts or opinions expressed are that of the authors and not of Global Alliance.