by Jaffri Amin Osman

“Primus Inter Pares” …. We PR Practitioners Are At The Forefront of Combating Disinformation & Misinformation

As the keynote speaker at ZAMBIA INSTITUTE OF PR & COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE (ZIPRA) recently, I also spoke on artificial intelligence and its impact on our profession as PR professionals. In an era defined by rapid technological advancement, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the realm of public relations (PR) and communication presents a compelling dichotomy—whether it poses a looming threat or an unprecedented opportunity.

As AI technologies continue to revolutionise the way organisations engage with their audiences, questions abound regarding its potential implications on traditional PR practices and the future of communication. While some perceive AI as a disruptive force, capable of automating tasks and replacing human labour, others view it as a powerful tool for enhancing efficiency, data-driven decision-making, and personalised engagement.

In most of my talks on the future of PR, I would usually request the participants to look at their right hand and each finger for a letter of the alphabet that will ultimately spell out ANGEL. The A represents AI, N is New Media, G for Generation, E for Engagement and L for Love. In this article, I shall focus on AI in PR and Communication.

In 2023, we saw a proliferation of AI assisted tasks related to PR and comms. A PR colleague (and the former Chair of GA and Board Member of CIPR UK), Professor Anne Gregory, in her presentation at our KL International PR Conference, shared some very interesting findings from several studies conducted on AI use and PR. Data analytics, pitch crafting, video footage analysis, transcription, social media management, crisis management, campaign optimization, and the list goes on…up to 21 tasks as of 2023 would see AI assistance. I am pretty sure that the list has considerably grown longer now.

As professionals it is up to us to determine how far we go in harnessing this tool and not lose the beauty of the human touch and our ingenuity. We must remember at the end of the day, as pr practitioners, we carry the role of ethics and governance caretaker. Hence we become first among equals, “primus inter pares”. As PR practitioners, we are entrusted with a crucial responsibility—to uphold the integrity of communication within our organizations and beyond. In embracing the principle of “primus inter pares”, we recognize that while we may be equals among our colleagues, we must lead by example when it comes to combating misinformation, disinformation, and fake news.

In today's digital age, the spread of false information has become all too common, posing significant risks to our credibility and reputation. As guardians of our organization's voice, it is imperative that we take a stand against misinformation and actively work to correct the wrongs that may arise. Each of us play a pivotal role in ensuring that the information we disseminate is accurate, reliable, and transparent. Whether we're crafting press releases, managing social media accounts, or engaging with the media, we must adhere to the highest standards of truthfulness and integrity.

It is crucial to remember that AI cannot replace us humans when it comes to: Empathy, Trust, Humour, Relationship Building, Strategizing and Critical Thinking. YET, it would be a waste if we do not use AI as a tool, not to replace but to assist us. I suggest looking at using AI in, among others, Publication and Writing, Photos and Storyboard, Media Monitoring and Analysis plus, for Sounds and Videos.

Our Agency in KL had started utilising AI in the four aspects stated above and while it has not taken away the creativity of my team, AI has made their work easier, faster and the end results I must say are pretty amazing. Gone are the days of gut feelings. AI can analyse vast amounts of data – social media sentiment, news articles, competitor mentions – to identify trends and target audiences with laser precision.

Whilst the intersection of AI, PR, and communication sparks a nuanced debate, we are smart enough to explore the delicate balance between technological innovation and human expertise, and ultimately we can shape the trajectory of the our profession in the digital age. Salute to all my “primus inter pares” colleagues wherever you are.

Jaffri Amin Osman, Managing Director at World Communications. President Institute Public Relations Malaysia (IPRM). Chair, Global Alliance Regional Council Asia Pacific.

Article published as part of Global Alliance Technology and PR Month 2024.
Any thoughts or opinions expressed are that of the authors and not of Global Alliance.