#EthicsMatter - Ethical standards to be addressed by President at Davos Summit

#EthicsMatter - Ethical standards to be addressed by President at Davos Summit

Global Alliance President Justin Green will address the issue of ethical standards at the Davos Communications Summit which takes place on Thursday 25th February 2021, from 3pm CET. Speaking on the topic of ‘The Merge Between PR, Advertising and Digital’ Mr Green will highlight the need of our profession to maintain the highest ethical standards, with the continuing integration of these management functions, in an ever changing landscape into the future. The title of this year’s Summit is ‘Leadership During Turbulent Times.’

The global event brings together several outstanding professional speakers from different parts of the world who will participate in thought-provoking virtual panel discussions on contemporary topics on leadership and ethics in modern and post-pandemic communications, education, the merge between PR, Advertising and Digital, and the future of the industry. 

Organized by World Communications Forum Association on Zoom.

For further information and to sign up free of charge visit: http://www.wcfaglobal.com